Wallis Institute of Political Economy Working Papers

This list describes the recently initiated series of working papers of the W. Allen Wallis Institute. Papers with linked paper titles are available online in PDF format.

Ordering Information

Three (3) papers per year will be provided free of charge. Each additional paper will require a $5.00 service fee which must be enclosed with your order. All checks must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank. If you wish to order more than three papers, you must mail a paper form with payment.

WP#66"Pareto efficiency in the dynamic one-dimensional bargaining model," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, August 2014
WP#65"Computation of equilibrium values in the Baron and Ferejohn bargaining model," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, August 2014
WP#64"A Folk Theorem for Repeated Elections with Adverse Selection," 
Duggan, John, May 2013.
WP#63"Uncovered Sets," 
Duggan, John, May 2011.
WP#62"Coalitional Bargaining Equilibria," 
Duggan, John, May 2011.
WP#61"Radical Moderation: Recapturing Power in Two-party Parliamentary Systems," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos and Spirling, Arthur, November 2009.
WP#60"A Newton Collocation Method for Solving Dynamic Bargaining Games," 
Duggan, John and Kalandrakis, Tasos, August 2009.
WP#59"Information and Voting: the Wisdom of the Experts versus the Wisdom of the Masses," 
McMurray, Joseph, July 2008.
WP#58"A Vindication of Responsible Parties," 
Bernhardt, Dan, John Duggan, and Francesco Squintani, July 2008.
WP#57"A Reputational Theory of Two Party Competition," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, July 2008. 
Revised Version of WP#41. Original Version
WP#56"Dynamics of the Presidential Veto: A Computational Analysis," 
Duggan, John, Kalandrakis, Tasos, and Manjunath, Vikram, April 2008.
WP#55"Strategy-Proofness and Single-Crossing," 
Saporiti, Alejandro, March 2008. 
Revised Version of WP#48. Original Version.
WP#54"The Role of Media Slant in Elections and Economics," 
Duggan, John and Martinelli, César , March 2008.
WP#53"A Dynamic Model of Democratic Elections in Multidimensional Policy Spaces," 
Banks Jeffrey S., and Duggan, John , March 2008. 
Revised Version of WP#24. No link for the original.
WP#52"Voting Equilibria in Multi-candidate Elections," 
Duggan, John and Sekiya, Yoji , February 2008.
WP#51"Rationalizable Voting," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, January 2008. 
Revised Version of WP#42. Original Version.
WP#50"On the existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in electoral competition games: The hybrid case," 
Saporiti, Alejandro , November 2007.
WP#49"Bargaining Foundations of the Median Voter Theorem," 
Cho, Seok-ju and Duggan, John, November 2007.
WP#48"Strategy-Proofness and Single-Crossing," 
Saporiti, Alejandro, October 2007.
WP#47"A Theory of Minority and Majority Governments," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, September 2007. 
Revised Version of WP#39. Original Version.
WP#46"Majority Rule Dynamics with Endogenous Status Quo," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, May 2007.
WP#45"Dynamic Legislative Policy Making," 
Duggan, John and Kalandrakis, Tasos, May 2007.
WP#44"Robust Rational Turnout," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, December 2006. 
Revised Version of WP#43. Original Version.
WP#43"Robust Rational Turnout," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, December 2006. 
Revised Version.
WP#42"Roll Call Data and Ideal Points," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, August 2006.
WP#41"A Reputational Theory of Two Party Competition," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, August 2006.
WP#40"On Participation Games with Complete Information," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, October 2005.
WP#39"Genericity of Minority Governments : The Role of Policy and Office," 
Kalandrakis, Tasos, September 2004.
WP#38"Proposal Rights and Political Power,"
Kalandrakis, Tasos, June 2004.
WP#37"Regularity of Pure Strategy Equilibrium Points in a Class of Bargaining Games,"
Kalandrakis, Tasos, April 2004.
WP#36"Dynamic Enfranchisement,"
Jack, William, and Roger Lagunoff, June 2003.
WP#35"Inequality, Environmental Protection and Growth,"
Marsiliani, Laura, and Thomas Renström, November 2002.
WP#34"Credible Communication in Dynastic Government,"
Lagunoff, Roger, October 2002.
WP#33"On the Size and Structure of Group Cooperation,"
Haag, Matthew, and Roger Lagunoff, October 2002.
WP#32"A Positive Model of Overlapping Income Taxation in a Federation of States,"
Klor, Esteban F., October 2002.
WP#31"Environmental Policy and Capital Movement: The Role of Government Commitment," 
Marsiliani, Laura, and Thomas Renström, October 2002.
WP#30"On Income Inequality and Green Preferences,"
Marsiliani, Laura, and Thomas Renström, October 2002.
WP#29"Non-Fully Strategic Information Transmission,"
Ottaviani, Marco, and Francesco Squintani, October 2002.
WP#28"When to Tax Labor?,"
Renström, Thomas, and Parantap Basu, June 2002.
WP#27"Endogeneous Firm Objectives," 
Renström, Thomas, and Erkan Yalcin, April 2002.
WP#26"Social Choice in the General Spatial Model of Politics,
Banks, Jeffery S., John Duggan, and Michel Le Breton, January 2002.
WP#25"Nash Implementation with a Private Good,
Duggan, John, January 2002.
WP#24"A Multidimensional Model of Repeated Elections,
Banks, Jeffrey S., and John Duggan, November 2001.
WP#23"Uniqueness of Stationary Equilibria in a One-Dimensional Model of Bargaining,"
Cho, Seok-ju, and John Duggan, November 2001.
WP#22"Profit Sharing (with workers)Facilitates Collusion (among firms),
Bernhardt, Dan, and Christopher Chambers, June 2001.
WP#21"Non-cooperative Games Among Groups,"
Duggan, John, May 2001.
WP#20"Existence of Nash Equilibria on Convex Sets,"
Banks, Jeffrey, and John Duggan, May 2001.
WP#19"Electoral Competition with Policy-Motivated Candidates,"
Duggan, John, and Mark Fey, February 2001.
WP#18"A Bayesian Model of Voting in Juries,"
Duggan, John, and Cesar Martinelli, November 1998.
WP#17"Establishing Cooperation Without Pre-Play Communication,"
Calvert, Randall L., July 1998.
WP#16"Legislative Coalitions in a Bargaining Model with Externalities," 
Calvert, Randall L., and Nathan Dietz, July 1998.
WP#15"Interpretation and Coordination in Constitutional Politics,"
Calvert, Randall L., and James Johnson, July 1998.
WP#14"Bounds for Mixed Strategy Equilibria," 
Banks, Jeffrey S., John Duggan, and Michel Le Breton, March 1998.
WP#13"Politics, Altruism, and the Definition of Poverty,"
Bird, Edward J., February 1998.
WP#12"Does the Welfare State Induce Risk Taking?,"
Bird, Edward J., February 1998.
WP#11"Welfare Policy and Endogenous Selective Norms,"
Bird, Edward J., January 1998.
WP#10"The Evidence on Class Size," 
Hanushek, Eric A., September 1997.
WP#9"Repeated Elections with Asymmetric Information,"
Duggan, John, April 1997.
WP#8"The Productivity Collapse in Schools,"
Hanushek, Eric A., December 1996.
WP#7"Social Norms, Cultural Competition, and Welfare Reform: Scant Hope for the Collapsing Family,"
Bird, Edward J., March 1996.
WP#6"The Income of Socialist Elites During the Transition to Capitalism : Credible Evidence from Longitudinal East German Data,"
Bird, Edward J., Joachim R. Frick, and Gert G. Wagner, September 1995.
WP#5"Does Welfare Ruin the Poor?,"
Bird, Edward J., June 1995.
WP#4"Explaining Social Order: Internalization, External Enforcement, or Equilibrium?,"
Calvert, Randall, March 1995.
WP#3"Interpreting Recent Research on Schooling in Developing Countries,"
Hanushek, Eric A., January 1995.
WP#2"Rationalizing School Spending: Efficiency, Externalities, and Equity, and their Connection to Rising Costs,"
Hanushek, Eric A., January 1995.
WP#1"What Constitutions Promote Capital Accumulation? A Political-Economy Approach,"
Krusell, Per, and José-Victor Ríos-Rull, December 1994.